Tuesday, December 18, 2012


In My Sedu 183 class I had to look up Open Educational Resources, OER are any resources available at little to no cost for researching and teaching. I feel that these are a very important resources for teachers and students to have available to them. I feel that as a teacher I would make sure that my students knew all about these and had access.

While looking through the websites that were presented to me I just simply clicked on primary grades which is my level of interest and so many different ideas came up. All you have to to is refine your search and the actual topic that you are looking for is bound to pop up. The two sites that that I was given in class were very helpful, http://www.oercommons.org/ and http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7061.pdf. They clearly explained and gave me many resourses that will help me in the future of my classroom. For example http://www.oercommons.org/courses/100th-day-of-school-activities after clicking on this link it shows you ideas on what to do for the 100th day of school.

I have found these sights very interesting and I cant wait to look at them more in depth.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Flipped Learning: What's that?

As I was sitting in class today reading the agenda for what was going on I came across Flipped Learning. The first thing that came to my mind was, what in the world is that! I'am a bit shy when it comes down to learning and trying new things so I got a bit nervous. I started some research and found quite some interesting things that I find valuable. Follow me as I find more out on flip learning!

Flipped?? What is that??? I'm flipping out!
Definition:  The flipped classroom is a model of teaching in which a student’s homework is the traditional lecture viewed outside of class on a vodcast. Then class time is spent on inquiry-based learning which would include what would traditionally be viewed as a student’s homework assignment. Synonymous with Reverse Classroom.
I find flip learning very beneficial. It is almost like a customized type of learning for all students. It doesn't matter if you are a fast pace or slow pace learner, this could work for anyone! My senior year of high school I was very sick and in and out of the hospital making it hard for me to be in class. This made me fall very far behind all of the other students in my grade. I had to rely on my friends coming over to catch me up on school work, but that didn't always work because they didn't always have all of the information that a teacher would have. Flip learning makes it possible through videos for students to learn outside of the classroom by watching the teacher lecture. Also if you are in class and just want some extra help or a refresher you can re-watch the videos to have help in the classroom. Also with this style of teaching and learning you have more time in the class to do projects and hands on learning by watching the videos of the lecture before class.
Pros For Flipped Learning:
1. Move at your own pace
2. Review lectures
3. More able to have one on one with students
4. More able to catch up on missed work
5.Learn on the go
6. customized testing (projects, papers, lectures)
Cons for Flipped Learning
1.Lack of access to recourse's (computers, Internet)
2. To much time on computers
3. Less face to face interactions
In my future classroom I don't see this working for me because I plan on working with Pre-k students. But I could possibly make videos to show the parents what we are doing in my classroom and show examples of ways to carry what we are doing in class for at home practice. If I was planning on teaching high grades I would by far use this as a recourse's because I wish this was a style of learning that was available to me, also I was a horrible test taker and I believe that I could of very much benefited from this when I was in highschool and still now.



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Two More For The Roll

The first blog that I chose was We Can Ride. I chose this because I have a huge passion for horseback riding. I have been volunteering at a therapeutic horseback riding center since I was 10 years old. Over the years I have seen how much this kind of therapy helps out students. It is more then just a fun time, the therapy helps enhance communication skills, build muscle and has a sense of calming that puts people with disabilities at ease. The barns that have these programs have goals that the student riders need to reach, doing this helps the child earn something and the people around him or her see the progress and growth in the child.
 I feel that as a future special education teacher this is something that needs to be more aware of as an alternative kind of therapy. The blog that I posted shows many of the benefits from the program. In our area we have many centers that you can get involved with such as TREC that is located in Erie and the Schaffer farm in Espyville, PA.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Beliefs about Technology and Learning

I believe that there is a time and a place for technology in the classroom. I think that it can be a hindrance and a help. I believe that some of the pros that can come from technology in the classroom are some of the following
1.Easier communication with parents
2.Faster communication
3. Faster and easier access to recourse's
4.Blogs can increase thoughts and thinking
5.A better way to express and let out thought and feelings
6.Helps with social interaction and shows reflection from others

Many cons also come along with technology in the class, the following is a list that I came up with myself and some views from others.
1.Lack of face to face interaction
3.Emotionless communication
4.Non reliable sources
5.hurtful feedback on blogs that could hurt students
6.Possible inappropriate communication
7.Lack of using recourse's such as books, magazines and newspapers

I feel as though maybe I am more of an "old fashion" future educator. I would rather receive handouts in class then look online, read from a book then scroll through a huge file online. I wonder how it would be for adult students would react if they came back to school and had to learn with technology?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Important to Me

Many issues affect education today, but in my eyes something that is very important to me is that fact that so many teachers just label children bad! If they have maybe just a little more energy then they are just horrible children. My brother was moved from pre-school to pre-school because his teachers couldn't handle him. Later on my brother was tested for various learning disabilities, he has mild asbergers syndrome, ADHD, and ODD. It is important to me for every child to have a fair and right chance in education. I don't believe in bad children! That's Important to me!

                        A student with a learning disability is just as frustrated as the teacher!!!!!